We provide maintenance for fuel dispensers, meters, pipeline, tanks and gauges in the petrochemical stations.

  • Underground & Aboveground Tanks – installations and related commissioning.
  • Underground & Aboveground Tanks - removal and decommissioning.
  • Existing Pumps – complete maintenance services.
  • Pump Sets – supply, installation, and maintenance of pumps and pumps fittings, new & used
  • Fittings – supply of a variety of types of petroleum equipment fittings.
  • Pipelines – installations and replacements of fuel approved High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipelines and steel pipelines
  • Manholes – installation of manhole covers of all types.
  • Oil Separators – installation of oil separators.
  • Leak Detectors – removal and replacement of damaged leak detectors.
  • Safe Disposal – environmentally approved disposal of contaminated fuels.
  • Islands – construction of new pump islands and reconstruction of damaged islands.
  • Slabs – construction of containment slabs.
  • Concrete – removal and replacement of concrete.
  • Paving – construction / refurbishment of paving.
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